I have read this forum religiously twice daily, but have not found an answer to my question. After unsuccessfully trying to hit down on the ball using the wooden "truth board" described in a previous post (square 1/2" plywood with rectangular cutout at one end) I am wondering about where I should focus my aim. For the life of me I can not catch the ball solid without first contacting the board. Maybe once or twice I was able to miss the board by focusing my aim about 2" in front of the ball. This is so foreign to me I can not believe I would ever become comfortable doing it. Through reading all I can about the Golfing Maching and taking a lesson from Brian last fall in Baton Rouge I have heard the term "aiming point". Is this where I am describing above or a term used elsewhere? And can anyone help with correcting my tendency to not be able to contact the ball first?