joeprunes said:
I`m having a BIG problem lining up correctly. Does anyone have a sure way aligment setup that works.....joe
Dean Reimuth (sp?) had a great alignment procedure on the Golf Channel the other night. Made a lot of sense to me anyway . . .
1. Stand Directly behind the ball facing the target (your target line).
2. If right handed take a BIG step left as if you were going from standing on one railroad track to the other.
3. Walk straight ahead while looking at the target . . . you are walking PARALLEL to your target line . . . you have already taken your grip.
4. Catch the ball out of the corner of the ball as you walk when you start to lose sight of the ball stop.
5. Turn your entire body to face the ball perpendicular to the target line.
6. Sole the club and your body should now be lined up parallel to your target line.
I would also add the follow. . . .
You should also use Ben Doyle's set up procedure. It is awesome. Someone else can expand on this. But it is fantastic for locating ball position relative to low point.