I know many think tgm concepts dated and defunct but if you look closely the concepts are remarkably similar
basically the holy grail track man states is the reduction of spin loft to increase compression and ultimately distance
now what tgm was stating in its simplest form was a shallow attack angle via the combination of the shallow in lower body pivot and the flat left wrist concept which shallows the angle of attack thus bringing the two track man vectors closet and correspondingly increasing compression
simply put have we really come that far in 50 years I would argue not and the aim is simply to have the angle of the face at impact (ddynamic loft ) and the angle of attack as close together as possible therefore maximising compression and distance
basically the holy grail track man states is the reduction of spin loft to increase compression and ultimately distance
now what tgm was stating in its simplest form was a shallow attack angle via the combination of the shallow in lower body pivot and the flat left wrist concept which shallows the angle of attack thus bringing the two track man vectors closet and correspondingly increasing compression
simply put have we really come that far in 50 years I would argue not and the aim is simply to have the angle of the face at impact (ddynamic loft ) and the angle of attack as close together as possible therefore maximising compression and distance