Hi, I am new here but thought I would add to this thread:
I am one who fights and inside takeaway and I have used the low hands idea to improve this.
Another thing that causes me to take club inside, is a bad habit of forward pressing (push hands forward before takeaway).
I have just realised that if I do a forward press, my wrists are partially cocked sideways. This prevents the normal vertical wrist cock from occuring.
I tested this by adressing ball normally with no forward press, then raise clubhead as far as it will go, then make a full shoulder turn. My 66 year old body gets the club close to horizontal.
I then started with a partial forward press and went through same procedure. Now club head points up about 45 deg at top of swing. Clearly, this is what is preventing my club from reaching horizontal.
It's still too cold to practice here, but I think I will work indoors on eliminating the forward press. Any drills that might help would be welcomed!
PS - 66yrs old, 7-9 handicap, male, heavy build.