angled hinge blues

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What is a point of focus to stop me from over-rolling my angle hinge in ythe downswing? I like the idea of reducing forearm rotation, but I either under-do it in my backswing or over do it in my downswing or both. Whatever I am doing, when it all goes bad, it's hooks (the pull variety) and when it goes straight the divots are slightly right of target as is my ball flight.
I'm not a teaching pro but I pick up my copy of The Golfing Machine every once in a while to see if I've gotten any smarter. If you look at the golf swing as a semi-circle within a circle. Your left arm is the radius of the circle, the clubhead on the circumference. The semi circle (pendulum) is from the point where the clubshaft is parallel to the ground in the downswing (90*) to impact (straight line) to parallel on the other side of the ball (90*). This 90* to 0 to 90* (180*) is the pendulum. The hands move a short distance while the clubhead travels a long way in a short space of time. The radius (left arm) is moving slowly while the clubhead (circumfrence) is moving fast. When I hit the ball the longest and straightest, my body feels like it's moving slowly but the clubhead snaps through the ball. I try to bring my hands to the inside of the ball with the hosel leading the toe of the clubhead. You don't have to square the face up. The design of the clubhead does it for you if you allow your forearms to be soft and relaxed.

Brian Manzella

Hitting will tend toward ANGLED HINGE, but if you are a swinger do it (angled hinge action) by way of what your left shoulder does (it goes more UP thru impact...STAY tilted).

Also...make sure you aren't LEAKAGE HOOKing it!
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