Another indoor winter drill...*sigh*

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This will hopefully help us flippers who hit behind the ball all too often. I beleive in Bobby Clampetts books there is a definite correalation between handicap and where the club first contacts the ground. I beleive 10-32 handicaps hit up to 3 inches or more behind it while pros hit the ground up to 4 inches past it(not sure of the exact numbers but I think I'm in the ball park).

Anyways, this is actually a modification of a drill I read somewhere meant to be done outside on the range. The drill is to place a tee about 2 inches behind your ball so that it forces you to hit miss the tee and hit the ball first(or at least increases your chances of doing so). Not ground breaking I know but this is a huge problem for me. So I decided to grab two 2 and 3/4 inch tees and place them on the carpet so that the top ends face eachother about 2 inches apart. I try and hit the first tee without obviously hitting the second tee. It's actually pretty hard but once you get it it's actually pretty fun cause the first tee goes flying straight ahead end over end while the 2nd remains on carpet in place. I know...I need to get out soon or I'm gonna lose it!!!! :)
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