any "manzella" instructors out in AZ ?

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just wondering if any "manzella" type instructors (since Brian isnt heading out here to do lessons anytime soon :) ) in Arizona? just in need of some help and really like what ive seen and read over the years, trying to implement but i think someone who is really familiar with this might be able to get me playing better. (preferably someone in the EAST Valley)

Lots of Views but no comments :( So no one in AZ? cant believe with the amount of golf in AZ there arent any golf instructors out here up to speed on this stuff? using trackman etc. Well if anyone has any recommendations...

ya i know that, my specific request was for Arizona. i understand brian,mike etc are not in Arizona, im asking for any instructors who might have similar teaching methodology (thus the "manzella" in quotes) someone who is up to speed on how things work, using trackman etc.

Since their philosophy is multiple patterns dictated by what is best for each student (my paraphrase) then I dont see how you could find a teacher similar, most have a set way they teach their pattern ground in core beliefs, I am in Az and have not found anything different.
great, please let me know when that is, i might have to take some time off but would like to get some help

Time to ante-up. Do the Manzella Special, see Private Instruction, You can get to NOLA for around $300 from Phoenix. Add in a room for a couple of nights , and a rental car and you have scratched your itch.
so you havent found any instructors in AZ using trackman or open to the things discussed at the anti summit? ive had several lessons over past few years with different instructors but not seeing progress i would like so as with many golfers im sure, looking for someone who can help :)

so you havent found any instructors in AZ using trackman or open to the things discussed at the anti summit? ive had several lessons over past few years with different instructors but not seeing progress i would like so as with many golfers im sure, looking for someone who can help :)


What I meant is you go to an instructor and there are going to be certain things they teach and they teach it to all their students. Some are very straight forward stuff built on the "fundamentals", some are more new age thinking, there is a bucket of different teachers but I have found none that teacher a wide variety of patterns. I am not saying this is a bad thing, if you are a teacher you probably have certain core beliefs and thats developed a method of some sorts, it just sounds like Brian has been able to develop more "patterns" from his core beliefs, thats a bit unique IMO.
It is well-established that components of swing technique fall within ranges, sometimes widely so, for great ball-strikers. No single "method" has proven itself to be superior in competition to another. Therefore, I think its a total diservice for a teacher to insist upon rigid positions in the swing. Sadly, those are the guys that get all the if they "invented" a better way to swing. Brian and his staff understand that the REAL fundamentals refer to the physics of the impact interval, not what your swing "looks" like.
ya thats why im looking to find someone who is "open minded" and looking for how best to get it done, not just do it my way. Alas it seems they dont exist in AZ at this point i guess :), have to wait till brian heads out to AZ or convince the wife i need to take a trip to out to brians place.


Don't forget he will also head apparently to Socal this year, and depening on your schedule, a little drive could get you in front of him. I considered that when he was in Vegas as I recall...(may have been the GTE and I forget if he had teaching slots).
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