I am not qualified to give advice. With that caveat, I nonetheless want to share my thoughts.
Your swing sequence from the face on view looks a lot I used to swing. But from the DTL view, I don't think I have ever swung so far right. To me, it looks like you have a really solid backswing, except for maybe one thing - you have a serious cup in that left wrist. Might be that you are flipping through to square that face up. (Maybe someone else can say, but I wonder whether that open club face and swinging so far right, that the flip becomes all the more necessary to square the face?)
Now, FOR ME, when I took the cup out and made it flat (maybe bowed even - max twistaway) it changed a lot about my down swing. When I make sure to HOLD that flat left wrist/twistaway it makes me feel like I have to stay in the shot more, and for some reason it slowed my transition and gave me (I think) better sequencing. I feel like the club face is looking at the ball the whole way from the top down. If I don't quit on it through impact and swivel, I from time to time hit really solid shots. Note: I really had to change to a neutral grip, which for me felt WEAK WEAK WEAK, with my thumb more or less dead on top, twelve-six o'clock if that makes sense.
I've tried going back to letting the left wrist cup (it feels more natural, and I feel like I can get a bigger turn) and then applying the twist in the down swing to a swivel finish. For some reason it never works. I cannot do it. I over accelerate, hit with my hands, flip city. Maybe it's just me, but the wrist position at the top of the backswing has a huge influence on what I do on the down swing. Just some thoughts. Hope you get it figured out. Is there anything more frustrating?