Archie's humble attempt at accumulator lag alla Sergio

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
part of the reason you have a bunch of delay is due to a whole lot of axis tilt. With that much tilt if you didn't delay it a ton you'd fat the he'll out of it.
Depends, you'll probably hit the ball further but at the cost of consistency. Hence your reports of some fats/thins

the fats and thins were a matter of timing. When I got settled in, I was hitting more consistently. It was kind of like when Clark Kent first discovered his heat ray vision. He had to learn how to control it.

But on a serious note, I know I have other things wrong with my swing, but for the purpose of just discussing accumulator lag, I guarantee you it is a strong power move.
Definitely try and get a sequence hitting a ball. It'd be educational at the least to see how similar or dissimilar the two sequences are.
i mean why are you trying to do somebody else' swing? Everybody is build differently.....more lag...might cause more slice for you..???
i mean why are you trying to do somebody else' swing? Everybody is build differently.....more lag...might cause more slice for you..???

You are right generally in that you used the word, "might". However, with me it, in fact, does not.

Yeah, my swing may look weird, but getting help on one's swing is why Brian set up this board.

As for why, achieiving the position in Frame 14 (however awkward I look) is allowing me to knock the tar out of the ball.

Lastly, I thought it may be a neat discussion topic that I made a modification based on a famous player's swing and it had the direct result of giving me more power, even though I fall far short of truly emulating his swing,


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
the fats and thins were a matter of timing. When I got settled in, I was hitting more consistently. It was kind of like when Clark Kent first discovered his heat ray vision. He had to learn how to control it.

But on a serious note, I know I have other things wrong with my swing, but for the purpose of just discussing accumulator lag, I guarantee you it is a strong power move.

More accumulator delay doesn't always mean more distance, we have gone over this in the past. You actually may not even be swinging it faster, just simply delofting the face more and thus hitting it further.

Exactly, timing...with that much tilt you are going to have timing issues. I know because i used to tilt a ton due to my ankle injury.
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