Are hitters closed at the top - Wrist action

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Since hitters do not employ standard wrist action in the backswing, are they generally "closed at the top"? While swingers do employ standard wrist action (turn), so are they generally a bit more "open"?
Brian can correct - but not exactly. Hitters don't fan the club off the takeaway ao they stay perpendicular to the plane throughout the swing.
My understanding is that hitters keep the clubface square to the line and the club head perpindicular to the plane throughout the backswing. Although the wrist position and clubface appear to be closed at the top of the backswing they really aren't because rotation of the clubhead has not taken place.

I took a lesson from Brian and I was convinced that the clubface was closed and I would not be able to hit the ball at all. Brian showed me that the clubface is not really closed and that the ball could and would go straight.

BTW -- If you can travel to New Orleans or Louisville to meet with Brian and take a lesson I highly recommend it. You will leave hitting the ball better and a greater understanding of the swing. He is an awesome teacher. (Brian - If I goofed up the explanation please correct me.)

Brian Manzella

The clubface ACTUALLY does wind up for some hitters in THE SAME PLACE at the top becuase the PIVOT turn the face to the plane.

But the golfer doesn't FEEL that.

He feels that #3 Pressure Point DIRECTLY behind the shaft!
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