As seen on the Golf Channel

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I saw a guy last night from Hawaii who said that you should try to keep your right hip inside your right foot on the backswing. Just fooling around swinging without a club, this seems like a more powerful coil. This was the first time I had seen anything suggesting this, not saying nobody has said it, just that it is the first time I have seen it. Is this something I should keep in mind?

Speaking of the golf channel, where has Lefty's sister been hiding? She is smokin' hot! I like it alot...


The same idea as keeping the 'angle' of the right leg (as seen in 5 Lessons), or the 'ball/wedge under the outside of the right foot' (one of Mickey Wrights key drills).

That 'coil' into your right leg/hip - cheek - is a big key to lower body stability. Go to a tour event and you'll notice that while the upper body/arms of the players do somewhat different things, the lower body motion is much more similar across players.

The 'post' of the right leg that you coil into, and push off of. A big key to the proper pivot IMO.
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