axe handle

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Every golfer has a tendency, or a tragic flaw, that he or she must tame, fight, and monitor all their careers. Mine is and has been a toe that gets to the ball before the heel, hence clubface pulls left.
After thought, incubation, discussions with Yoda, I realized that if I swung an axe at a stump, there is a very natural assembly of my power package. There is no gross exaggeration of a dropping right shoulder/axis tilt. I can chop a stump flush with a square axe blade every time. Brian's twist-a-way ,(along withYoda's right forearm pickup), the two best learning concepts in the past 25 years of golf instruction, occur naturally without any forethought. If after taking a few swings with an axe, I pretend the axe is my golf club and I make my normal golf swing with axe in hand, the movemnet is NOTHING like the free-flowing, intuitive, natrual motion of the axe chop. My feel with an axe motion is my right shoulder, elbow stay below my left throughout the movement. There is an alleyway that naturally I create and protect for the right side to swing through. If I swung an axe as if it were my seven iron, then I shut the axe face down on my takeaway, and somehow have to open it back down and lose all lag pressure. The axe handle wants to seek its own natural plane. Agian, swinging an axe as if a 7 iron, I would lift the axe head well above its natural plane. Is this a helpful alterantive concept and if so, how do you make an axe swing with a golf club in your hands, with all bets on in a live round?
You need to think about one thing - hitting the inside of the ball. Go to impact fix and see where you need to be with the 3 deg open clubface and hands covering the left foot. Your mind will figure out how to get back there on the DS. It's a lot easier to get back to where you want to be, if you've just been there. The axe handle is a Hitting thought. If you're Hitting, start from the impact fix.
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