Axis Tilt &Driving the Right Shoulder Down Plane..

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1) In getting into a secondary axis tilt position, is it achieved by the hip bump/slide to the left? Do you lower the right shoulder as well, or, is it lowered as a result of the hip movement to the left?

2) When do you the, drive the right shoulder down plane and is it an active drive, or is it pulled by the left arm swinging down and out?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
As brian would say, "Move the tail bone FOWARD while keeping your head BACK."

This is how you tilt your axis. Also as brian would say, "if you don't have any slack, it won't matter." Meaning once you start to move your tailbone foward everything else should start moving as well.

Are you saying that the tilt can be something other than an EFFECT of the hip slide? If so, do you mean that you can execute the tilt with your Right Shoulder, which forces the hip slide?
I think so. I played last weekend and it was the first time I had played in about 4 months. I was bending my plane line a little bit out to in and hitting some weak cuts. I started using the swingthought of, at the start down, driving my right shoulder straight down behind me by my right foot while keeping my head still. I am a swinger, so I was doing this very quick and then rotating through. I started hitting the ball pretty far and really ended up playing well.
However, I've always had a very active lower body from years of playing baseball, so this may not appply to everyone.
quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

I think so. I played last weekend and it was the first time I had played in about 4 months.

Huh? You're the owner of that beautiful swing that Yoda just posted on his forum and you haven't used it for four months? That's criminal neglect!! I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate it and put it in a proper home where it will be used on at least a weekly basis! :)
I wish it hadn't been that long between rounds. I was in Gulf Shores when the Hurricane hit and that shut down my playing. Then I had to go through the hassle of applying to college and getting ready to move back to's been cold most of the time I've been back. I was asked to play in a "cabin fever" scramble, so I got back out there. The good thing, though, is that hitting balls again after a long lay-off really gets the juices flowing again to get back out there on a regular basis.
Driving the shoulder downward forcing the hipslide is a "perverted tilt", which messes up the Pivot Lag. The shoulder thrust should be initiated by the hips through the use of coil tension.
That would be out of sequence - the shoulders/arms/hands shouldn't initiate the downswing, that's best done with the hips. Doing that gives up the "turbo boost" of the hips tugging the shoulders into action. But, worse than that, the hips might not react fast enough to get to the left side.

Brian Manzella

Administrator are MISunderstanding me....

I know all that sequence stuff (jeeezzz).

What I am saying is sorta like Hand Conrol Pivot (and shoulder CONTROLLED hip).

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