Axis tilt

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Need help with the axis tilt. I have tried for over a month to throw a frisbee and skipping rocks so I can get the right fell for the axis tilt just when I think I’m getting it I fall back into my old habits when playing golf. Can any one give me any kind of drill to help with this or focus on any kind of swing thought?


Get into impact fix with the axis tilt you want and go through to finish and repeat and repeat. you need to change your concept of where you are at impact and follow through. Do this drill to burn in the new motion. You can do this with and without hitting balls.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Tailbone goes to the left and back on the downswing. Actually the straight line delivery path drill with the 2 flashlights helped me a lot with axis tilt.


quote:Originally posted by rundmc

Make your pivot move out to right field (cross line).

Would this mean that my Butt would come off of the "Tush Line" using a Cross Line delivery?


quote:Originally posted by rundmc

Make your pivot move out to right field (cross line).
That is the hitter's move not swinger's. If you are a swinger take glcoach's advice. If you are a hitter rudmc is right.


quote:Originally posted by wanole

not sure you're right Hue. I'm a swinger and Brian had me going crossline to get my axis tilt.
I look forward to Brian or Tom clearing this one up. I don't mind being wrong provided I learn what is right. I want tomorrow's garbage to be better than today's.
I roundhouse on my downswing so Brian wanted me to get my hips going more to right field on the way down allowing me to come more from teh inside and flatter into the ball.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The more you shift your hips "crossline" the easier it is to get the right shoulder to go downplane because there is less effort to go LEFT which what swingers like to do.

Make sense?

Brian Manzella

There hasn't been a someone who was a MUCH of a "Pure Swinger" than Fred Couples since, maybe, Bobby Jones.

And I have NEVER seen a guy whos hips start more CROSS LINE.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

There hasn't been a someone who was a MUCH of a "Pure Swinger" than Fred Couples since, maybe, Bobby Jones.

And I have NEVER seen a guy whos hips start more CROSS LINE.
Brian: Can you go into this more. I was under the impression that the cross line hip move was a hitter's motion. Are you saying that the cross line motion is a swinger's option but not the standard one? In which case is a parallel shift of the hips a hitter's option? I would really like you to do a video instruction bit on this one.


quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

Does Freddie use Standard Wrist Action? or Single?

What Hinge Action?



Here's the cross-line start down . . .


I would also like to know more about the crossline, out to right field, moving off the "tush" line hip action for the swinger. I also thought that was for hitters only.
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