Backswing - Left Arm\Chest connection

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Just need some ideas\views on the kind of feelings\sensations between these two parts of the body on the backswing? I can start the takeaway with quite a tight connection between by upper left arm and chest, but lose it towards the top. Should it be 'razor tight' all the way to the top?
Any views much appreciated,
Thanks, Danny.
You can putt and chip doing that, but not full swings. Your left arm should be at least horizontal at the top of the swing.


quote:Originally posted by armourall


Maybe I read the question wrong, but isn't B.B.Donkey referring to PP#4?
I think so.

"Just need some ideas\views on the kind of feelings\sensations between these two parts of the body on the backswing?"

In Brian's video "Do it right" He advises that the left arm is pulled across the chest at address. Do that and you will not have to be concerned about the feelings in the backswing . At transition the feeling of the left arm being pulled across the chest will increase (PP4) and you can drag that feeling past the ball welding the left arm to the chest with left arm blast off happening somewhere in the through stroke. Think of a frizbee throw.
Thanks for the replies guys... yes I meant glued to my pec\left side *all the way* to the top of the backswing. I just wondered how it felt with your own swings.
When I see face on view of pros on TV, most have their shoulders turned 80-90 degrees halfway back (when their leading arm is parallel with ground). Tiger sometimes more ! This ties in with this 'connection' business I guess.. e.g no independant movements.
Holding the leading upper arm and left pec\chest together all the way to the top achieves this for me but feels ever so strange and restricted. I tried it without a club, just hands together, palms facing, and just turned... massive torque etc. but very uncomfortable.
Worried I won't be on plane, just hoping even though I'm losing connection, I'm not coming off plane.
I guess I've answered my own question.. I think I need to work on co-ordinating my backswing better.
Thanks, Danny.
BTW just to add, I can get tight connection all the way back by cheating.. just rolling left arm into, and up chest, which isn't ideal of course.


It is a good 'result' to have that connection, but the more you 'try' to do it, the more stiff the motion. You want a flowing motion.

Give up control, to gain control, as Knudson would say....
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