Backswing: Past parallel

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I took some more video of my swing (this time driver) and I'm still going way past parallel. For the teachers and everyone else, what do you do to a guy that goes way past parallel? Other than saying don't do it (obviously). Thanks
There's nothing wrong with a swing that goes past parallel, as long as you aren't doing something bad to get there. If you don't 1) bend the left wrist too much, 2) bend the right arm past 90 degrees, or 3) reverse pivot, you should be fine.
Hands in on the takeaway and really stand the club up in the BS with the high right elbow. Watch Villegas and Nicklaus swings. Check out how in the hands go and how vertical they get the shaft in the BS.
I'd ask why do you think it really matters. Snead was wayyyyyyy past parallel. Hogan was well past parallel. Nicklaus took it past parallel. I certainly wouldn't change those guys.

Other than that, I'd keep your #4 PP in tact on the backswing and maybe steepen the shoulder turn a tad. Tough to know without a video.


You put your swing up for us to diagnose. Your problem isn't going past parallel :).

Any progress on what Kevin, Brian, and most everyone else suggested you work on?
I agree, it's not my only problem as I have many. I just figured it wasn't helping. I figure if you go past parallel you better have a perfect pivot and/or perfect timing which I probably don't have.

Yes I've been working on my hands getting more in but I still need to keep at it. Haven't had much time lately for golf but things will die down in a few weeks.
Good stuff, keep it up!

I agree, it's not my only problem as I have many. I just figured it wasn't helping. I figure if you go past parallel you better have a perfect pivot and/or perfect timing which I probably don't have.

Yes I've been working on my hands getting more in but I still need to keep at it. Haven't had much time lately for golf but things will die down in a few weeks.

You should continue to work hard on hands in and deep. Doing this should effectively keep you from doing some of that overswinging.

Keep us updated!
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