In the backswing pivot, it looks like Brian is moving off the ball quite a bit with his head. Is that correct?
For some reason I have a difficult time getting my back to the target. I hang on my left side. I forgot what "eye-dominant" I am, but it seems I am not comfortable making a proper backswing pivot that puts me in a good position to come down on the proper plane.
Would love to get this right once and for all.
TOP 10 "take homes" from latest Project 1.68 information
1. The Kinetic Sequence may be, at its heart, just a reaction.
2. Pivoting like crazy is crazy.
3. Trying to shift weight back and forth, or NOT shift weight at all, or shift forward early, are ALL a waste of time. So is trying to restrict the movement of the head. THEY ARE ALL REACTIONS TO THE SWING when down properly, except maybe something to start the thing off for some.
4. The pivot is very important for POSITIONING the shoulder complexes/arms/wrists/hands/& club.
5. Both the shoulder complexes (shrug, roll, lift, etc.) and the hands (as opposed to just the wrists) contribute to club head speed.
6. The flat left wrist (through the ball), is just a point in time.
7. The "line up" gets SOME help from the momentum of the swing, but shoulder complexes/arms/wrists/hands/& club + the rest of the pivot does all the real work.
8. The D-Plane is still king.
9. You can fake positions past the ball (on purpose or on accident) that have NOTHING TO DO with how you applied the club to the ball.
10. The best players in the world "know" how to do it. Unless they are taught otherwise.
That article was a very generalized offering about the pivot. Don't think that it's good for everyone. You may need some of that but with your club position I really would recommend anything you change at first should have its focus on changing the club and not the body.
Been lurking around here for the past year. Picked up the game a year and a half ago after a 10 year break.
The range i practice at has a stack and tilt instructor, and a Greg McHatton protege. I think those methods are great
but its not the direction i want to head in. So, basically I'm stuck out here in Los Angeles trying to figure it all out via this
forum. Which i am grateful for. Im a believer. Not here to argue.
I have all the videos and have watched the release 5 times. Have gotten myself down to a +1. Im a grinder. Practice/play more than i would like to admit. Any suggestions /comments would be greatly appreciated. I know there's a whole lot of
wrong going on with my swing. Trying to apply the "ideas" from the release vid currently. Not sure where to start. - YouTube
Yes awesome book a must read for anyone really. For you being a +1 you need to focus on the mental side of things. That book shaved some strokes for me. You just need to convince yourself you are a winner. After I did that I had way more fun golfing too. Positive attitude all the time.Nice swing and a +1. About the only thing I suggest is picking up a copy of "With Winning In Mind" written by an Olympic gold medalist to utilize some of the mental toughness strategies a little. I'm sure you already possess a lot of mental toughness to play to the level you do, but it is still a good read.
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