Backswing thought

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A couple of observations and questions...

I think that SOME golfers that have as their primary concern... to swing down from the INSIDE, or to SHALLOW the downswing... actually blend this into their backswing.
They end up with the arms and club behind them and Flat, and actually end up doing exactly the opposite of what they desired to do, on the downswing. They bring the arms and club back in front, and end up with a steep downswing.

Do any of you see this? What have you found is a good backswing thought, or total swing concept or thought to overcome this?

Brian Manzella

On the backswing you are trying to do a few things:

1a. Get the club up enough for the DOWNWARD
2a. Get the club IN enough for the OUTward
3a. Get The right shoulder back enough for support
4a. Go back far enough to generate enough 'umph' for the shot at hand

On the downswing you are trying to:

1b. Hit the precise spot on the ball in the precise direction for the shot at hand
2b. Pivot (and [or] unbend your right arm) with enough force for the shot at hand.

This SHALLOW stuff never comes up when I teach unless someone isn't doing #1b or #2b
Would it be a proper TGM backswing thought to point the clubhead at the target line (behind you) until parallel, then point the butt end of the club to the target line until parallel at the top and ditto on the way down? (you've seen those laser training aids.) Seems like you would need to use a weak double action grip 10-2-C to comfortably accomlish that feel with the right wrist bend.

Brian Manzella

The FOUR laws of golf:

1. Law of the lever- no portion swings forward independently
2. Law of the triangle- always a triangle, even with one side shorter
3. Law of parallels- club either points to plane line or is parallel to it
4. Law of force and motion- movement towards the center creates one away from it

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