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Anything wrong with a little bit of hand lag in the takeaway and the hands going in and back towards the right hip at the start of the backswing. It really produces a powerful shot.:cool:

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Reminds me of what Brian said about golf instruction sometimes being a case of giving permission to people to do what they already want to do. Hoops33, if it feels good and produces good shots, how can it be a bad habit?? Unless, maybe, it produces injury in the long haul.


Anything wrong with a little bit of hand lag in the takeaway and the hands going in and back towards the right hip at the start of the backswing. It really produces a powerful shot.:cool:

I did this for several months. Taught me how to set the wrists at the top of the backswing. I have carpal tunnel so I have always had weak wrist set. But after I did this for several months I was able to get a little wrist set. I'm still more like JB Holmes vs John Daly.
Kevin thank you for your thought pattern was even though something works initially I did not want to persevere with something that could be a bad habit. Anyway I will be using on the course this weekend and have some fun with it. Golf is a big puzzle with no answer and that is the fun of this game...everytime we have the answer, the puzzle changes....Cheers
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