...just is...
What makes golf difficult..? "to master"
I would say NO instruction more than BAD instruction. Most people try to teach themselves by magazines, books, or DVD's. Even though the material might be great, it's still not the same as seeing someone. I'll admit that I'm guilty of this. But I'm making the change this year and seeing someone (hopefully Bmanz). I've finally come to the conclusion that I need to see someone to get me to the level I want to play at.
If you are going to teach yourself using information off the internet or magazines, it's imperative to use a video camera and know how to use it.
The rule of thumb is....if it looks wacky,it usually is.
I agree. You have to ask yourself what do you want when you are taking a lesson. Do you want to swing like a robot with all those crazy lines drawn? Parellel or not parellel and have to worry about this and that? What happens when you don't play golf for years, how are you able to memorize all these details. It's a sport, make it as simple as possible, and it will stick with you for life. I can recall numerous time when a golf teacher tell me i have to have my shaft here and there, baloney!!! I did it pretty good because i practice a lot, but when i don't play for month, i lose it. Now i feel like i can go for years and i could still swing the lil golf stick.The concept that one end of the shaft is pointing at the plane line or parallel to be on plane.
I talked about how the plane line changes with different sweet spot paths at the last TGM summit. I demonstrated it with a laser product I designed for TGM. Brian and a few others know about this and agree but many instructors still believe in the club shaft pointing at the plane line or parallel to the plane line. This type of instruction is what I refer to as 2-D as you would use shaft plane lines with video.
There is a ton of good information in TGM book but as all TGM instructors would say there are many ways to do it. So why can’t the plane line change during the swing? Because Homer said so 40 years ago?
I always said you could use shaft planes if you were built like the machine in TGM book. The sweet spot path would be a perfect circle with that machine and you could use what Home said with shaft planes.
You could also swing on one plane if you could move like the machine in TGM book. Homers patterns in the back of the book are based on the machine as he has no plane shifts in both the hitting and swinging patterns.
All human golfers make one or more plane shifts when using shaft plane lines. Humans are not built and cannot move like the machine Homer has in the book. This is why TGM can be hard for some golfers to learn patterns by following plane lines.
A golfer might do well using shaft planes when making plane shifts when the swing is in slow motion or practiced in stages. But as soon as you make faster swings closer to you tempo you will see the shaft lines do not always match up.
Brian does an excellent job of teaching swing patterns without all the shaft planes or following lines.
I just want golfers to see that you can have a pattern that works great for you that could be off plane if you looked at it with shaft planes.
Many ways to do it.
It's Ignorance.
is it ignorance for everyone?
...one teacher say's uncock the wrist's from the top immediately, another say's hold on to the angle in the right wrist all the way to the finish, who is right?
..teaching ball flight laws that are wrong for how many years? now that's ignorance!
...if the so called expert's can't agree what chance do we the ignorant have.
Oh, absolutely yes.
The one that tells the student they is only one way to do it, and the teacher that KNOWS there isn't just one way, but tells the student the wrong one for them.
That's teacher ignorance for giving the wrong info, and student ignorance for picking the wrong guy for their game.
You betcha.
It is your job to pick the teacher who is the least amount ignorant.