Between this post, the Haney thread, and others, I just don't understand your need to attack other teachers. I never hear or see them bash the Manzella matrix, but you continually bash "them." Sometimes your critique is actually a constructive one. However, other times, more often than not, it seems that you feel the need to boost your ego by thrashing others.
For Hank Haney to "bash" the Manzella Matrix he would have to do the following:
1. Acknowledge that it exists
2. Make an argument or come up with some evidence for why he is a better teacher than Brian.
But so far as I can tell, Hank Haney is a "great teacher" because he gave lessons to the right pros at the right time. I am SURE that Haney is a 1000 times better golf teacher than I am, but if "giving a lesson to a pro before they win" were the only criterion (and it's the main one in golf the way it's run these days) then
I could be a famous teacher.
As far as I can tell, Brian and some members of this board talk about other teachers in negative terms, because those folks don't really seem to demonstrate much in the way of
teaching. If I took a lesson from Haney I already KNOW what he'd try to teach me - his method. If I took a lesson from a stack and tilter, I know they'd teach me to stack and tilt.
Brian will try to improve my pattern. And he'll listen to what I have to say (so when I tell him that I've been working on a flatter, more NSA backswing, rather than the SD backswing from last summer, and therefore I think I need LESS of a shift to the elbow plane on the downsing, I expect him to work that into whatever he teaches me), and then he'll figure out a way to make me better.
And you can say what you will about Brian's ego, but I think you miss the fact that he's trying to boost his message and get the word out to more golfers. The greater chance there is that folks will talk about Manzella and Haney in the same conversation, the lower the average handicap of US golfers will be!