ball position and balance

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after about 4 great rounds of ball striking after reading the take-away article which got me on plane on the backswing, i started snap hooking my drives and slightly hooking my iron shots. i finally realized i was hanging on my right foot thru impact and after.

i guess i put the ball a little bit further back in my stance than "textbook" to make sure i hit the ball first on my irons. that and other reasons, i'm not standing with most of my weight on my front foot at the end of the swing. when i swing at home with no ball, it's no problem though.

can someone tell me the TGM "stance" on ball placement (and hand placement) at address? and maybe some other insight on helping me shift the weight properly? thanks.
Brian teaches that for all shots off the ground, the ball should be just inside the left shoulder socket, and on the left shoulder socket for teed shots. For hand placement, when in doubt, use impact fix and then go to adjusted address with bent left wrist and flat right wrist. Think of "pressure shift" rather than "weight shift" on the backswing, and understand that before impact, everything should be past the ball(line of sight) except the right shoulder and right foot.


thanks, MJ.
i understand the impact fix, but should the hands be placed off the middle of the left thigh, or nearer the belly button?

also, before impact, do you want your hips and head past the "wall" (i.e. the ball)? i always thought the head actually moves back a bit before impact.
If you use the adjusted address position with the bent left and flat right wrist, the hands will be nearer the fly than mid thigh.

Sorry, I didn't mention that the head stays back.
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