Brian Manzella
I read all the 'analysis' of BBFTX's swing on the other thread and it made me dizzy (no offense). Also, that LAW's junk and any other 'pigeon hole' system out their makes me want to go play basketball. What a waste of time 'pigeon holing' is. It also makes me want to go practice doing EXACTLY the opposite of what they say to do, to prove how bad an idea all of it is. So here's the swing analysis...
You stand too far from the ball.
You try to 'NO-SHIFT' an Elbow Plane. Bad Idea.
You are a hitter, so your clubface at the top is fine.
Stand closer.
Keep the elbow on the plane you are on now and allow the folding right arm to move the club to the Turned Shoulder Palne at the top.
Try to make the same downswing.
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You stand too far from the ball.
You try to 'NO-SHIFT' an Elbow Plane. Bad Idea.
You are a hitter, so your clubface at the top is fine.
Stand closer.
Keep the elbow on the plane you are on now and allow the folding right arm to move the club to the Turned Shoulder Palne at the top.
Try to make the same downswing.
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