Before and after Former Flipper(big Flipper)

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Former Flipper - Fast Progression

Here is a 6 Month player who got a 1 hour half of Brian's "former flipper" treatment...and a pinch of Ben Doyle's "wall of china drill" in the bunker.

The drills -
3 divot drill
Aiming point
Hands forward/Flat left wrist at impact

The expression on his face was so funny after he flew the FLAG by 15 Yards with a 9 Iron, or when he hit his 2nd compressed shot after 5 minutues drills, the surprised question like what happend to the ball? did I hit it? it felt like a air...

Result after like two hour -

Clubface's Loft at Address and Impact on 5.28.08 and 6.20.08 -



Address and Downswing on 5.28.08 and 6.20.08 -








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I normally don't call people out but I am today. So the result was around 2 hours right? In those 2 hours did he happen to change locations as well as attire? Sorry, just calling what I'm seeing...
Well, the images on the left are from 28 May (it says so right on the images), and the ones on the right are from yesterday.

Maybe chili meant to say that the 'two hours' was the amount of time he worked with the student. In any case, there's clearly been almost a full month of actual time elapsed between the two sets of images.
Former Flipper - Fast Progression

I normally don't call people out but I am today. So the result was around 2 hours right? In those 2 hours did he happen to change locations as well as attire? Sorry, just calling what I'm seeing...

Thank you, my fellow noticeable Manzella's forum member, you right, it did look like those diet commercials, or "10 strokes less in a week" advertisements...I also tried to change my title from "Before and after Former Flipper(big Flipper)" to "Former Flipper - Fast Progression" but it doesn't give me that choice.

The fact is that this guy didn't really had a clue about what he was doing,
he based his swing on trial and error, I played with him once or twice and when I met him on the practice range we plan to go to the course.
Now, I look at his swing and the ball flight was very high,like balloon, the chicken wing was really ugly, and the worst part he hit the ground before the ball and like 2-5 inch, fats shots one after another, so obviously he was a flipper.

I asked him something like, what the *$@! you're doing? in friendly way...of course, did you notice that you hitting the Mat before the ball?
I gave him 5 minutes to think about where his hand are at address compare to impact and how the shaft leans forward at impact, he didn't have a clue,
well how does the ball goes in the air then? he said something like I hit UP ON IT, and then I just shake my head and from a few tips that I wanted to give him it turn out to be like 1 hour of drills, and then we went out and play a few holes so...

I regret that I didn't take his video before our little conversation THAT DAY, but I had a video from May and it was almost the same.

My point is, It's incredible how much better you can get with a little bit of knowledge, the correct one, like on this forum...
The look on his face when he hit those shots on the course and on the driving range were priceless, I know, That's how I felt 2 years ago...when I hit a pure compressed shot.

Sure those pictures exaggerate a bit, this guy plays for 6 month but his pivot is reasonable and his path and clubface are ok, but well...he flips like crazy...
And correct me if I wrong Brian, but flipping is easy to correct compare to sliceing(twistaway) or a faulty Pivot, so I try to explain to him and for my surprise it work really easy, my guess is that this guy, because he plays only 6 month, he doesn't have this habit of flipping INGRAIN in him and he can change it very fast, really fast...he just need the complete information, which you can find, on this forum, Brian's "Former Flipper" is one of the kind and I alone feel very lucky that I have this knowledge (I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy).

This is the Video from a MONTH ago and the change from yesterday, he still hits a few fat ones here and there but when he gets one good you can hear the sound -

Here is his swing from 2 weeks ago 6.6.08, really bad flipping/bend left wrist -

Well, the images on the left are from 28 May (it says so right on the images), and the ones on the right are from yesterday.

Maybe chili meant to say that the 'two hours' was the amount of time he worked with the student. In any case, there's clearly been almost a full month of actual time elapsed between the two sets of images.

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I want to thank Chili for these examples here and on other threads. It's nice to see principles applied and people improving.

It's also darn nice to see "bad" examples because many people can't believe anyone scoops and flips...yet of course many do!
I want to thank Chili for these examples here and on other threads. It's nice to see principles applied and people improving.

It's also darn nice to see "bad" examples because many people can't believe anyone scoops and flips...yet of course many do!

Thank you!
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