Belly Putter going in the bag!!

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That's it, after putting like a dog again this week, and watching Webb bang in putts from all over the place, I'm getting a belly putter.

I'll catch hell from my buddies, but I'm taking the leap...
That's it, after putting like a dog again this week, and watching Webb bang in putts from all over the place, I'm getting a belly putter.

I'll catch hell from my buddies, but I'm taking the leap...

Brother I feel ya. I have given so much heat to my "cheating" playing partners that I will never be able to go to the long putter. I should have kept my mouth shout, but it's too late and I just have to grind it out with my shortie.


That's it, after putting like a dog again this week, and watching Webb bang in putts from all over the place, I'm getting a belly putter.

I'll catch hell from my buddies, but I'm taking the leap...

Long putter wins again on the PGA and looks like a new convert. Good luck on the new putter.
Keep us informed on how it goes. I tried one back in 2008. Had it custom made and the whole nine yards.

I gave it a serious run for 3 months. Kept detailed putting stats both before belly (BB) and with belly (WB)

Didn't help me a lick. I heard Looney Miller say that it takes 1,000 putts before you're comfortable with it. I'm not sure I hit that many in 3 months, but it was probably close. "Comfort" wasn't really the issue. I just didn't make more putts.

On the reverse side of the coin, a guy I play a lot of golf with went to the belly......and he makes a LOT of putts. (really ruffles my jimmies since I didn't)

That that I've thrown cold water everywhere. Good luck with the belly and let us know how it goes.
Well I have gone belly and the early results are encouraging. It seems like it is easier to start the ball on my intended line. The part I was most concerned about, distance control, doesnt seem to be any harder.
It's spreading like wild fire!

Haha! I guy I work with said he's getting on the belly putter train too.

He tells me, "I told my wife I want a belly putter and that b*tch start laughing at me. So I'm in my garage, holding my putter, looking for sh*t I can stick on the end of this motherf***er with some duct tape, you know to try it out in my hallway and sh*t."

Dude's a character, had me in stiches!

I've never played with anyone who used a belly/long putter, only standard so I've never really had the chance to give anyone any shit for it.

Shame on you Lindsey. :D
I've never played with anyone who used a belly/long putter, only standard so I've never really had the chance to give anyone any shit for it.

Shame on you Lindsey. :D[/QUOTE]

Oh for sure, I am a straight up mother Fu#%er when It comes to long putters. LOL. I can't stand for people to putt better than me when they use them. I am totally "that guy" who rips on something if I did not do it first. Not a good trait, but at least I admit it...I guess. But I will not be a hypocrite and use one. I will quite before I anchor, but only due to me digging myself in a hole.
Just saw Adam Scott use his for two club lengths of relief. That thing has to be almost 5 feet long, so he gets 10 feet of relief. That has to be an unfair advantage too, no?
Thats my biggest issue with the club. But its within the rules of golf....for now. I dont like that players can use it to take relief.
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Call it the perk (or price, depending on your opinion) of using a long putter.

I've started using a belly Odyssey #7, but only at the end of the competitive season, so my impressions are just forming, but I like it; fewer things to go wrong, I suppose.
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Went to the long putter (belly length, hold it like long putter) after a 16 green, 1 birdie outing. I was hitting it close, it was a disgusting display that screamed for a change.

It is clearly easier than a shorty. Distance control is the same and as long as you hold dont move the anchor point around it is very easy to hit the ball adding loft and following through right above your line.

Funny thing is my buddies dont give me hell ab it, just my wife. She used to think Adam Scott had it all, the looks, the game, the style... Now she just shakes her head in disapproval when he pops up on the telly :).
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