Below plane swing

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I've never had lessons until the last month.

I recently came back to the game after a ~10 year break.

I have found out that I:

1) swing under the plane
2) I have good flexibility
3) I do not reverse pivot or take the club past horizontal
4) I open my shoulders (you know the drill brian does where there is a wedge on his left hip and his hands stay behind it all the way whilst his hips open but should remain square............I don't do that) my shoulders open so I look quite cramped

I can hit a fade with a very closed stance........I don't want to, but I can.

What I'd like is some ideas on how to make sure my belt buckle is ahead of my hands whilst keeping my shoulders square and how to get the club on plane.

If I have to keep track of "swinging on plane, keep head down, slide hips, strike down etc etc" I could never get the club back.......

Any thoughts?

In spite of all this, both the pro's have said that my swing is not bad, that I have good co-ordination, flexibility & power.

So any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you might need to take a look at the club face if you are swinging under plane. It sounds like it is opening up in some point of your swing but the question is where?
Take a look at Brian's recent video here on the left arm flying wedge esp. the need for under planers to rotate the wedge down on the down swing.

This was key for me. Rotating the wedge down tumbles the club-head outside the hands, gets you lag and flat left wrist at impact. Of course, you need a good hip pivot and upper body tilt to set it up. Not enough pivot or tilt and you pull hook or go straight left.

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