Ben Doyle Tip of The Month

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Good idea....

Driving folks to his website will help his business and the info is awesome. I'll look forward to his monthly tips:)
Looking at his website and the testimonials and all the players he's worked with....

....and how long he's been around and how much I know he must know...... just made me think- it really is pretty amazing how most people (your normal everyday golfer) have never heard of him.



You're right birdieman...he is a wealth of knowledge...

I recently rec'd one of Ben's playing lesson videos (and now have ordered his DVD basics). He has alot of cool little sayisms that he uses during his lessons. I am sure Brian knows all of them but here are a few,

Don't add with your hands (compression leakage) when you can multiply with your legs & hips

You must have the notion to have the motion to empty the lotion

You need to hit the great wall of China before you leave the sandtrap.

There are probably more ...maybe others can add.

Ben uses different degrees of hip movement for different length chip/pitch shots until the maximum for the full swing. He also has an interesting visual of a string connecting the left shoulder to the clubhead at the top of the swing. They stay connected during the start the downswing.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Give the ball the message!

Do it right!

Shoot hold and ressst!

Actor always faces the cammera

To get the edge swing under the hedge!

On plane loading, on plane storing.

Shoot from the buns, tight buns.

Houston we have a problem(leekage)

Show me a chip. (The student pitches) Okay now what would I do now? Play my next shot from the other side of the green.

Brush and cut, drag and lag.

When is the only time I realese the club? To my caddy OFCOURSE. I realese the accumulators.
I'm wondering if anyone has a link to the the video clip of Ben Doyle working with someone on hitting a small tire? If so, please post. Thanks.
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