Ben Doyle videos

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2 questions:

1. Is the "Facts and Illusions" video useful without his mat?
2. Do Brian's 3 tapes compliment his "How to Build a G.O.L.F. Game" video?


quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

2 questions:

2. Do Brian's 3 tapes compliment his "How to Build a G.O.L.F. Game" video?

I have not seen the "Facts and Illusions" video. Brian's tapes or rather the first two "Do it right" and "Never slice again do complement "How to build a G.O.L.F. Game". I really like the Ben Doyle tape and I watch it all the time. It has done a lot for me. The main things that I got from Brian's tape that are not dealt with in as much depth in the Doyle tape are

1) Brian's grip, his set up , Brian goes into the specifics of these in much more detail and his placement of the lead arm across the chest setting you up for PP4 at transition is something that I missed in the Doyle tape and made a big impact on my game. I really like how Brian describes the transition . What goes on etc although this is in more detail than Doyle's tape I feel having read Brian's article "The perfect pivot part 2" that this can be done better in the finished product. I will go into my thoughts on this later in a different post. In "Never slice again" I really liked Brian's description of his twist away backstroke and his full roll swivel through stroke. Brian likes what I would describe as an extra full roll. These are key subjects and Brian deals with them different from Doyle . Although I love the Doyle tape I would not have got the points that Brian gets at just from the "How to build a G.O.L.F." video.

Recently on this forum there has been quite a lot of Brian bashing . I have seen many of the videos that are out there the Leadbetter type stuff and have read many of the pop golf instruction type books. None of these have helped me . With the Doyle , Manzella tapes and TGM type forums for the first time I feel I have a shot at getting a half decent game. Brian as well as Chuck Evans and a few other posters have been very generous with giving out real golf instruction information. Most of if not all of the Brian bashers provide little to no instructional insight all the energy seems directed towards slander. Brian has clearly done the work there is no doubt he knows his stuff. His articles and videos are far better than those I have seen by the pop instructors. Brian bashers give the guy the respect he is due and focus on the specifics of why you think your ideas are better rather than dealing in name calling and shell fish.
quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

2 questions:

1. Is the "Facts and Illusions" video useful without his mat?
2. Do Brian's 3 tapes compliment his "How to Build a G.O.L.F. Game" video?

1) Yes, the F & I mat is very helpful without the mat. Ben explains the mat very well and you dont "have" to have a mat to learn, given the way in which he describes it. However, after listening to the tape a few times, you naturally want to get the mat to pick up even more (I havent bit off the $300 for the mat, nor will I....Besides, my wife will know for sure I have gone off the deep end if I purchased it :D)

Brian Manzella

ANY video of Ben....I have 100 hours+ of worth EVERY PENNY.


Those Brian critics (and there always has been Brian critics since 1982) are sent from heaven 'gifts' to my quest to be the best so I can help the most golfers.

Without 'em...I would try half as hard ;)


I'd love to see Ben get the credit he deserves for his knowledge, just getting his existing video 'out there' should do it IMO.
I'd like to see Ben demo the 4-barrel Swing. He could explain how applying right arm thrust when he "lays it on the line" adds to CF, rather than overpowering it.
I've got a mat in almost brand new condition if somebody wants to buy it. Make me an offer. I hope I'm not stepping on anybody's toes by offering this, but I never use it anymore and maybe somebody else could.

Not trying to cost Ben a sale or anything. I just don't use the mat anymore.


Ben's Video is the best ever so far. And that includes his tape rentals now if he can reshoot how to build a golf game and put it on DVD that would be graet. Also 2 short videos one covering a swinging pattern and hitting pattern would be nice also. And Ben can do a hitting pattern tape #44 has a couple of nice hitting paterns but the quality is not great.


Ben Doyle video suggestion:

Maybe a "Greatest Hits" video with selections from the rental tapes?

A video with a lesson for a beginner, an average hacker, and an advanced student...
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