I heard he is coming to Lomg Island the week of the US Open. He is staying with Rock Hill Golf Course TGM Instructor. I heard he will be assisting Steve Elkington as well..................
I don't know if it's appropriate that I post this hear, but I figured I try. Is anyone interested in Ben's video that doesn't have it? I picked one up, my wife found out, and I got an ear full the other night. I have a young baby and for the time being I need to start thinking like a father rather than a golf addict.
....I've been there, too...don't feel bad, it's the right thing for right now...I've had the book for about three weeks and i'm making
my second run thru it...between you and me, it makes a lot of sense and
I'm sure the Doyle video would enhance...but i just don't have the jack
for it right now...you shouldn't have to wait long to get an offer here.
E-mail me @rfway@bellsouth.net with your adress and e-mail and I'll help you do the right thing. Diggerdog is a father of three and understands.