Ben Hogan 1955 Swing Analysis by Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.D.

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Brian Manzella


Here is the audio:

interesting stuff brian, I like the look of 11 the most. Good points about the amount of hip movement on the way back, right elbow posittion on the way back staying on the elbow plane, forward hip movement on the downswing, elbow position in pic 8. among other things. thanks for taking the time and I look forward to the video on the how
trail arm position


Comparing segments 3-4 of Middlecoff to Hogan segments 3-5, Middlecoff's trail arm is more visible than that of Hogan's. Is this a result of maybe Middlecoff having a flying right elbow whereas Hogan is more connected?

Does Middlecoff have more "up" and Hogan have more "back" at the top?

With Hogan's flexibility considered, did he do just enuf left arm push on the backswing to maintain his straight left arm?

Brian Manzella


It is in a different relationship to his left arm, in these early frames as well as at the top.

However, both golfers employed a pitch or slap position elbow.

So, obviously, Dr. Cary floated his into place at the start down.

Always an option.

I am amazed how Hogan's left wrist supinates from frame 7 to frame 8.

That's a natural function of the right forearm rotating under the left hand (rotation is clockwise)...

Big hip turn on the backswing though. None of this modern "restricted " turn nonsense...:)
Hi Brian, awesome evaluation on Hogan swing. One of the greatest I even seen posted.
BTW I really want to learn the "How To" as you were mention in audio?
That's a natural function of the right forearm rotating under the left hand (rotation is clockwise)...

I think it hs more to do with him not letting his left hand/wrist collapse, even from such an early position befire impact he is hitting against his left side
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