Ben Hogan

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Brian Manzella

I have been reading the thread on the other site about Hogan.

HE IS USING HITTING (at least somewhat) through impact!!!

And this will tend toward angled hinge action.

EVERYone's clubface is open at the top.
And he transitioned from a cupped left wrist at the top to arched at impact, which opens it even more. This is why he emphasized rolling the left arm.
Hmmmm....I also open the face and roll my arm open on my backswing. At the top, my clubface is open, but my left wrist is flat, not cupped. It was always hard to pinpoint how I did it. I realized yesterday though that when I do it the last three fingers of my left hand are very solid on the grip but my trigger finger of my left hand (I'm a righty, BTW) is very loose on the comes off slightly when I cock the club in my backswing.

I dunno, I'm just always tinkering around with my golfswing and that was the way that I could produce the flat left wrist (that everyone says you should have with a neutral grip) without hooding the clubface (too hook-prone, I dunno how Tiger does it) or over-extending outward.

My swing has always been very sweeping- I can hit my long irons and driver great but have had problems with weak short irons (short, too high, and usually right of target...little fluffers, hehe). I cannot play them back either because the clubface cannot square fast enough.

I have been trying turning more and sliding less, and also turning my shoulders more upright (swinging more up and down and less around myself) and there seems to be something there...I am still experimenting.

---What I guess I want to know is if this is a reliable way to in are there any notable golfers who do the same thing, or if I am just weird. I've never had a natural swing...but this action with my hands is something I have always done. I've always screwed around (trial and error/research) to develop my swing and I want to settle on a golf swing and groove it in FULLY (which is hard cause I'm a perfectionist)...I've learned a lot and find it all very interesting (the golf swing that is) but I don't want to screw around anymore (if I don't have to)- I just want to hit the damn ball and be comfortable that what I'm doing is right.

Brian Manzella

2 different things.....ah.........

The turn of the left arm (should be 90degrees) on the backstroke.....and...

whether of not the wrist is flat......

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