Bending more from the hips...

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This single correction has improved my golf swing in Several ways:

1. Being able to pivot to my left side on the downswing. This is due to being able to turn into my right heel then shifting to my left heel, instead of falling onto my toes.

2. Getting the club more on plane (used to be underneath) in the backswing.

I was curious to see if anybody else has had the same success while making this adjustment.
I noticed about six holes into a round this afternoon, that I was slouching at address instead of bending at the hips. I had been having trouble hitting really low pull hooks, holding my weight back, not getting the club on plane in the downswing, and not being able to make a good pivot (probably all having the same cause, I'm guessing). That front nine was one of the worst nine holes of my season so far.

Around number seven, I became aware of my slouch, so I started to consciously bend more from the hips instead of slouching. My shots after that were much more solid and much more accurate. I actually ended up shooting my best nine holes of the season on the back :).
I have recently adjusted this. Started off very strong at first but am now struggling a bit again. It's a very orthodox thing though (look at any top tour player pretty much ever) so something else must be awry.

As always something cooks in the lab that is my brain. Hopefully it will work out tomorrow.
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it could be an issue of muscle tensions..
Using the "hip-bend" setup initially causes increased muscle tensions in your lower back and stomach muscles (depending on which you use to hold your spine angle while you are setting up)...

I figured this out during a "concious" practice session, after which my lower back muscles were aching quite a bit (unusual for me)...
It corrected itself once I learned to get into the setup position and then basically relax all the muscles I used to get there...
just a thought...:)
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