Originally posted by hue
http://www.golfjustlikethepros.com/GTA Lasers.htm
This one is just as good as the ones mentioned and at just under $25 much cheaper. With the price saving you can purchase a couple of other training aids from GTA and still have change. Clyde Melancon is a TGM fan and a great guy to deal with. The Dual Track he invented is fantastic.
IMO...its an "OK" laser trainer. The lasers aren't that great of quality and i don't like the fact that the "plane laser" (not the path laser mind you) isn't attached to the butt end of the club. It is INSIDE the butt end of the club and therefore isn't entirely accurate. Due to this, when i used this trainer, i had to adjust for the CORRECT plane.
I personally reccomend the Buth Harmon plane laser. It isn't that expensive for what you get and imo you get more for you money. If you hover ebay for a while you'll find one that is used and pick it up for cheap. I paid $35 shipped for mine used.
JMHO though as i own both