Best swing idea ever....

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Brian Manzella

I have had a lot of success with these:

Mid-Body hands at address.

Flat left wrist at the top.

Turn around your spine.

Drag the sweetspot.

Wedding-Ring up.


Wedding Ring up??

Anwyay, I like to use these:

Pick it up with the right hand/forearm to the top and from the top, thrust the hands slow and deliberately down the plane. When my bit o' the top comes in, I like to remind myself before I take it back (per 1-L-#15), the thrust continues down plane...the thrust continues down plane (not at the target jack_ _ _)

Have no idea how this might help others but helped me before H.K.'s book was published.

"Keep the clubface on the ball as long as possible!"
Reduced flippyness, encouraged a FLW at impact..............

The person, pro, Buddy Hansen, who told me this(about 1962) also tried to explain "Hitters" and "Swingers" but he had only the concept, not a complete understanding.

The strange thing about Buddy's swing, he was very long, was his knee flex. He had none! Great flying wedges, FLW, extensior action, magic right forearm.........


6B 1D when using 'twist away'

Karate chop the inside corner with the left hand

The EdZ drills to demonstrate TGM concepts and key swing feels and alignments

"drive the ball to China" - Ben Doyle

"feel lag pressure points in your hands"

balance, target and finish position - Knudson

"keep the 7" - Mike Austin

"the feel is in your hands and your feet" - Toski

"I let my swing balance me" - Moe Norman

The figure 8 strap
The split grip drill

The Three Imparatives


Always had calamitous results with the left hand/wrist karate chop at the ball. Wouldn't that mean the left arm is onplane, and that one is swinging from the left hand/wrist, not the left shoulder?


Depends on your grip

with 10-2B - it is a 'backhand slap'
with 10-2D - it is a karate chop

It is a 'full body' chop, just as throwing a ball is a full body supported motion
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