Best way to view the Video Answers

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Brian Manzella

Quicktime 7:

Another way is to download iTunes: an right click on the links and download them to your computer, drag the file into iTunes and you'll be able to view them from within iTunes. I am working on a couple of other better solutions.


If you have Quicktime you can open the the videos in QT by right clicking the link and selecting "copy". Open QT. Then, in the "File" menu there is an option to "Open Url" click on it and "paste" the link in the window that pops up.

Hope that makes sense!
It has worked great for me this far.
Thanks to everybody for help on viewing the videos. For me what worked best was.. Right click the link then "save target as" and then view movie with Quick Time.
Absolutely the best video tips I have seen. Cleared up a lot of misconceptions on my part. And for free!
Thanks Brian.
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