Big Shoulder Turn

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I'm trying to copy the "to the wall to the ball" shoulder turn that Brian describes in his 4th episode on YouTube.

Doing pretty well, but would love to know what you guys see as the disadvantages and advantages of a big shoulder turn?

Brian Manzella

In a perfect world...

Your HANDS pull your shoulders to the top.

Otherwise, you get too much SLACK.

Just reach for a spot that is DEEPER, and go from there.
That's good advice. Swing the hands, not the shoulders. The hands stay wide, then the shoulders have to turn more. It's a response to the hands. Hand controlled pivot... it's a good thing.

Brian Manzella


You have too much SLACK if:

Go to the top of your swing.

LEAVE YOUR HANDS AT THE TOP and see how much you can turn your belly button toard the target.

EVERY LITTLE BIT that you can is slack. A little is OK, a lot is asking for BIG TROUBLE!!! :eek:
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