Bigger turn - swing around spine?

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Would your advice of swinging around your spine create a bigger turn (eg. not promote the look of the stack and tilt guys as an example and way of comparison)?

Had a lesson and my back swing looked more like the stack and tilt turn (unintentional) so I am trying to get more over right leg and looking for ideas/feelings.


New member
Check out the Palmer video posted by Brian. He's definitely turning around his spin--check out the steep shoulder turn. But he's not staying stacked on his front foot. Check out the movement in his left foot as he's going to the top of the backswing. It's rolling towards the right foot. He's got his weight shifted, but not all of it on the right foot (he could counter-fall), and the steep shoulder turn around the spine creates a lot of torque. If you're trying to whallop the ball with your pivot--to create speed that will be directed to the ball via good axis tilt and down plane contact, the King's move is mastery.
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