Bill Clinton Swing Analysis for Sports Illustrated and by Brian Manzella

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Nice job Brian! Like you said, I can't believe no one has mentioned that to him before, seems quite apparent as you nicely describe. Maybe sen him NSA in the mail!
I read another analysis of President Clinton's swing. Not one mention of the clubface. The main suggestion was to fix his "weak grip".
I read another analysis of President Clinton's swing. Not one mention of the clubface. The main suggestion was to fix his "weak grip".

The grip did not look weak to me, looked rather strong. I think Brian is spot on.

Now I really understand what an open face looks like in the downswing! WOW! Clinton looks precent decent and has a very athletic swing compared to other Presidents. Given the pardons he gives himself, the guy MIGHT be able to break 80 on a short course and if he fixes that open face. No significant path problems. Would love to see the face angle on Trackman. Probably 20* open (assuming it goes that far).


Somehow I think if Clinton sees this Brian might be getting a phone call. I can see the secret service when Brian starts giving him the business.
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