Billy's theories

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Different Golfers, Golfing Robots, Hitting Machines, Etc. Each Hitting a Golf Ball at 100 mph have Different CONTACT TIMES with the Golf Ball Even Though the Golf Ball goes the Same Distance with each Device.....

Ps. I Define Longer CONTACT TIMES with the Golf Ball as Heavy/Power Hitters......

What's the source/reference for different golfers hitting a golf ball at the same speeds, but with different contact times? Where did you get this?
It's a good thing that you can't prove it? I'm confused. How can I have a great day with my new found knowledge if you can't tell me where to learn it?
Your heavy hit idea that you can resist deceleration of the clubhead, but the ball doesn't leave the club head any faster doesn't make intuitive sense.

Even if you could reduce deceleration, and the clubhead was moving faster at separation, the ball would leave with increased speed, no?

Anyway, it's a moot point.



I can see a situation with different COR levels that could cause different contact times but even this has a measureable limit with regard to the rules. The ability to make claims, and I use this loosely, is a great opportunity to expand the knowledge base of the group. It might challenge us to look at a situation in a different way.

But if I say the most important thing in the golf swing is center of inertia balance and I can't even describe it, what good is it.
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