I have a 10 handicap, yet I can't seem to get rid of my blocks and weak push slices (with irons and woods). I have fairly good lag, and my left wrist is pretty flat at impact, but I come into impact with the clubface open. My body is in pretty decent position at impact (i.e., hips are 30 to 45 degrees open), so I assume my problem is lack of forearm rotation through impact. In fact, on occasion, I tend to slightly rotate my forearms the wrong way through impact (thus opening the clubface even more), which suggests that I am holding/gripping the club too tightly and/or trying to steer the ball. Am I correct that my problem likely is lack of correct forearm rotation through impact, and, if so, how do I correct the problem without inadvertently flipping the clubface with my wrists? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.