I have been playing golf now for about 8 years and have read most of the popular golf books and golf mags,seen the videos and had the Leadbetter/Denis Pugh lessons. There seems to have been an industry spawned on the regurgitation of information with the dominant big name teachers spouting forth their ideas and setting the standards that is golf today. A few years back it was worse when Faldo was the dominant force on tour. Over here there was only one true backswing that was taught the early wrist set sweep loading method that Faldo used. There were beach balls between the legs , towels under the arms for teaching connection and pitch shots and everything was to be "in sync" without anyone really knowing what that was meant to mean. The dog was meant to wag the tail . I had never come accross the concept of hands controlled pivot at this point as this was WRONG at the time. You should have a cupped left wrist at the top and take a shallow divot. Faldo was a big hitter and a tour star before he got Leadbettered so he was no mug to begin no one seemed to notice how much length he had lost when he had been Leadbettered . Yet his success was cleaverly attributed to his coach and a new business was spawned The Golf Coach Super Star. Other golf coaches were influenced by this and his way became the norm. But you were never really sure what his way was you only got bits of it. We the hacking public bought into this and like some kind of Amway Pyramid selling monster gone wrong helped perpetuate the desease. We all have memories of going to the golf range and seeing hackers spout forth the same rubbish that they had seen in " A lesson with......". The blind began leading the blind and WE DID NOT GET BETTER. I was a good athlete at school and also got top grades . I have put a lot of effort into this game studied all the information I could get practiced it and bust my butt. But you can not know what you don't Know the best you can get is some kind of gut feel that there is more out there and there is another way and search for it. I did not improve much with what is out there. Because I am determined I managed to stumble on TGM on the GolfOpinions site and read Chuck Evans posts . They were different to the stuff I had come accross before . I thought that the stuff I had come accross did not work I think I will give his suggestions a whirl . Things got a bit better . Then Brian came along and said that most of the stuff out there that was being taught was crap. This struck a chord with me as I had exhausted the other avenues and I am sure he is right . He could be a bit more tactful though. I found out that The cupped wrist at the top is NOT a Sacred Cow. That you would be better off with a flat one. That the concept a wide downswing was bogus. Only the other day I saw a teaching pro teaching these things at a golf range and I thought to myself " I am glad that I am not there any more. " I have just learned how to fade the ball" See Bunker play post" after years of not being able to do it the Leadbetter way but still trying. I did it Brians way and the results were instant. I am now looking at the short game differently in fact I am now questioning all the Sacred Cows of golf. As I have found that many of these Sacred Cows are flawed.
The world was thought to be flat for years . Most of us are looking at golf wrong it is time to straighten things out and get a real perspective. Over to you.
The world was thought to be flat for years . Most of us are looking at golf wrong it is time to straighten things out and get a real perspective. Over to you.