Brian and Kevin featured in latest TrackMan newsletter - awesome stuff......

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congrats, guys....



Very cool. Trackman is an amazing tool. Wish I had one closer to me. Maybe my wife will let me cancel the house addition and get one. Of course I will be homeless......BUT.....I will have a Trackman.


Lead shoulder


Would you mind going into detail about what y'all worked on with the lead shoulder?
Why was he tugging it left? How did you fix that? How much did that change his vsp?

Thanks and congrats,


New member
What i notice on some other forums is there are still a few clinging to the belief that Brian is all smoke and mirrors and Trackman can't be right etc., etc.

There are some bitter people that can't get over the fact that Brian has led the way and now everyone can see it coming and they don't like it, I say time wounds all heals and the truth finds a way to hurt those that try and deny it. I hope it hurts them real bad they deserve it.

Kudos to Brian and his team for thinking out of the box and dragging some of us with them.:D
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Good stuff!!

Nice feature. I am trying so hard to not say anything about that 'tugging'. I am bursting from within!!

In all seriousness though, very interesting, & a very good article.

Encouraging to see David's stats posted up, as well as the "behind the scenes" commentary. Good to see someone wants to touch it. (the story)
Neat to see good unique examples of direct correlation between specific mechanics & numbers. & with pros.

Kevin, what do you have him doing now? More vert l shoulder motion, after a good tumble? Man I have done some amount of damage to the left shoulder too. Used to reef on that thing. & early.

Forget the haters. They gonna miss the boat if they don't smarten up. A new wave of science a'comin.
What kind of numbers would you like to see, for a straight ball, if a player hit 4deg down with the driver? Actually, what would be priority number 1 if you had a good player, struggling with the driver only, that hit 2 to 4 deg down?
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