Brian, anyone, thoughts on swing

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Just been getting back into it after some time off, if you can pass on any advice with my swing, that would be great

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Pitching Wedge:
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They will probably want a face-on view.

will try get an updated face on view

The driver face looks to be very open throughout the swing.

im trying to keep it in line with the flat left wrist.. not sure if that is too open. Sort of like this:

im trying to keep it in line with the flat left wrist.. not sure if that is too open. Sort of like this:

It looks like it opens into the downswing. What is your ballflight and common misses? There are a lot of good things going on in your swing.
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Nice swing. How is the forward shaft lean at impact? Hard to tell. Looked a hair address positiony.............on the iron swing more so.

Nice move!

Any more to the left with the rebound on the driver swing and no kids for you!

Need more details bout your game hdcp. why did you lay off the game, injury, type of shot you want to hit?

sideyard, i have only ever played socially and never obtained a handicap.. i took a break from the game as i got too frustrated with it and needed some time away from it. Im approaching it now with a different mindset, so want to get back into it.. the type of shot i would like to ideally hit is a nice draw
Here is a face on view i just took, with a 7 iron

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I agree with spktho's comment on the clubface in the downswing.

Also, in the face-on view, it looks like the club moves a long way in the takeaway before there is much pivot movement. IMO, if you turned your hips and core more in the takeaway, it would make the downswing sequencing much easier.
^ not sure what id need to do to make the clubface a bit more closed from a swing perspective or with the hands

I noticed my hip turn isnt huge in the takeback. How does the downswing sequencing become easier with greater hip turn?
I'm far from an expert but that looks a good swing for a 'social' golfer. Love the way you've got loads of right arm through the ball.
Just observations on your 7 iron swing. View it as something to play around with
as you get back into golf. Really sounds funny, because most of us would kill to
have your swing, as it currently is.

Think about the comments relative to hips and rotation in the backwing. If you can
do that first, then the arms can follow rather than lead. If can do this, then your
downswing becomes easier. Your stance, to me, looks too wide for a 7 iron. Maybe
experiment with one foot width less. That's going to make it easier to turn.

Your downswing has the look of hips, core, head moving too much toward the target.
Causes your finish to look like you are about to fall over. Because of this motion, you
get in front of the ball and have to compensate to hit the ball.

Nice problems to have, because with your athleticism they will be easy to correct.
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^ thanks for the comments. With the takeaway, i keep trying to visualise taking the arms back with the shoulders and trying to ensure the left arm is not disconnected from the body. Im still trying to get this right.

Will experiment with the stance too.. i have a tendency to stand with a too wide stance

Im curious about the downswing since i am attempting to start the sequence with the hips and let the arms follow.. so was actually wondering whether i overdo this, or whether i am even doing it correctly
^ not sure what id need to do to make the clubface a bit more closed from a swing perspective or with the hands

I noticed my hip turn isnt huge in the takeback. How does the downswing sequencing become easier with greater hip turn?

There are a couple of ways that I would suggest you look into for closing the club face into the downswing. 1. twist the shaft with the left wrist/hand. 2. Learn to tumble more with the left forearm and/or right shoulder. #1 is easier.

I would suggest allowing your right hip to turn back with your backswing. It may also feel as if your right knee is straightening, but you really don't want it to straighten all the way. Your move forward in the down swing is exactly what I am working on fixing too. Which is part of the sequencing problem. I have been trying to feel like staying back on the right leg longer and stretching the left side torso through impact to help fix it. Makes the swing more rotary and when done right feels like effortless power.

Still would like to know what your usual misses are.
^ thanks for the reply, with the open face, do you mean twisting the shaft on the downswing?

I think i see what you mean with the downswing.. in terms of my misses, i feel like my swing has changed a fair bit from the time a stopped playing (about 3 or so years ago). I've yet to get on the course with the swing as it is and have only been on the range once so far, but from the range session, my shots varied from a very slight fade to straight, and have now been pushing left a bit too.. I have at times been able to draw it a bit, but no so much. So my main miss at this stage would be the push left (which is a straight hit but to the left)

This is different to my 'old' misses, which was a slice.. I wasnt slicing the ball in the session i had
Yep, just twist the shaft, Brian calls it twistaway which can and is done in both the take away and the downswing. This makes complete sense now knowing that your old misses were slices.

When you fix your clubface, you will hit draws and pulls and pull draws. You then will need to work on your clubpath which looks ok now, but adding the stretching of the left side will help a lot.
Yep, just twist the shaft, Brian calls it twistaway which can and is done in both the take away and the downswing. This makes complete sense now knowing that your old misses were slices.

thanks, what do you do to perform the twistaway?
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