Really enjoyed your analysis of Hogan. I latched on to something that you touched on in Hogan's swing - Axis Tilt. I know that Axis Tilt is important in the Yellow Book in terms of creating DOWN in a three dimensional impact and keeping the Stationary Head.
Could you school us on your opinion of Axis Tilt . . . Where should it be (Address, Impact, etc.) . . .How much? . . . How long? . . . Why?
Also, could you give us some drills/feels on how to get it without over-cooking it?
Really enjoyed your analysis of Hogan. I latched on to something that you touched on in Hogan's swing - Axis Tilt. I know that Axis Tilt is important in the Yellow Book in terms of creating DOWN in a three dimensional impact and keeping the Stationary Head.
Could you school us on your opinion of Axis Tilt . . . Where should it be (Address, Impact, etc.) . . .How much? . . . How long? . . . Why?
Also, could you give us some drills/feels on how to get it without over-cooking it?