Brian: Can you describe the backsroke you teach?

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Brian : You have done two articles on the Perfect Pivot I think one on your perfect backstroke would be of great interest. Could you describe your backstroke in terms of how you see the arms and hands working in relation to the pivot you have already described? I know you teach hands controlled pivot . Do you see the initial take away move as an arms onl move indipendant of any shoulder and pivot move or do you see the shoulders getting in on the act straight away? Thanks
not to highjack your thread, but touching on something you mention is I see you say he teaches hands controlled pivot, but in his article it says to start the downswing with the lean to the left by gravity basically. Isn't that against hands controlled pivot or does that relate to the backswing?

Brian Manzella

The "Perfect Pivot" articles could be subtitled:

"How to make a PERFECT Shoulder Turn Takeaway Pivot and 're-align' the hands at start down."

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