Brian can you help?

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I have watched and applied the never slice again and it has helped alot, I feel like I have the club closed enough both back and through and I feel I am enough under the stick, but after impact,I feel like the clubhead never passes and I am always just holding on. I hit alot of push cuts( high ball flight),I think it could also be not hitting down on the ball . Do you have a drill or a thought that could help this problem and get my ball starting out to the right and drawing it back?

Did Brian discuss the wedding wring up drill to you? Seemed to straighten out my slice.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You need to learn how to roll your ENTIRE LEFT ARM through impact. You are resiting the roll and thus hitting it right.

Take a look at this picture, you should look like this after impact:

Notice the entire left arm is rolled and the TOP of your LEFT FOREARM is now facing the GROUND.
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