Brian, congrats on pulling Bill Mckinney

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in here. I have all his videos (OHP Direct) and met him with Bobby Schaeffer once at the Ritz Carlton in Georgia durig Masters week. He is also a Doyle disciple. The new testament had the synoptic gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, all with differing, but complimentary perspectives of the truth. We are getting that same kind of vibe going on here as well.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

This place will always attract the best because we are fair but tough.

And we don't really edit.

Great, and I hope it stays that way! I'm sure Brian doesn't mind a bit of free advertising ;)

There's a 'famous' tgm forum out there who won't even let people post a link to a swing!
I feel so honored. I must admit, this is a little addicting.
The computer-age approach where we can share our ideas and make eachother
a little better. Homer would have loved it. East coast, west coast, Morad,
it's all good. I'll get Schaeffer on here in a few days. We'll have to trick
him. And I like that analogy, the New Testament. ha
See and Feel the Inside Move the Outside. Hebron idolized the Hat in the 90s and totally changed what he taught. It feels like pivot-controlled hands, but that's where Bobby and I use a lot of drills to help educate the hands.
It is nice to have a really well-educated Outside.
Ben focuses more on that aspect while Gregg is big on motion.
I always left Ben feeling like I had a lot of work to do and I always left Gregg feeling
like I had just improved a lot.
"See and Feel the Inside Move the Outside."

I assume you mean core rotation, which in my experience IS pivot controlled hands. Can you see and feel the inside move the outside and at the same time have the mind in the hands?
My opinion about the hands is that the monitoring needs to become Automatic and unconscious like a juggler's. Hogan's wrist didn't just bow because his pivot was great..he trained it to do that and then it was automatic. Newer golfers need to be more conscious.
Core rotation, foot action, knee action, hip action, "squeeze your buns", shoulder's all pivot.
Zone #1 (Pivot) must be mastered before Zone #3 (Hands). Zone #3 can never be better than Zone #1. So don't go "ooh, xyz is a rubbish teacher because he is always talking about pivot this and pivot that." He may merely be teaching the proper use of your Pivot before you can progress onto the Hands Zone.

The Golfing Machine is about Hand Controlled Pivot, not the other way round. Homer said the Pivot Controlled Hands procedure is so inferior that it's not even worth considering, except during transitional periods for the player.

Pivot Controlled Hands assigns to Physics precedence over Geometry -- Force dictating alignments. Which obviously reduces precision. But the Pivot may be educated to produce geometric Hand and Club alignments and relationships with some degree of precision which would definitely improve control.

In Swinging, Horizontal Hinging is naturally produced if centrifugal force remains unhampered. This is the 'physics dictating geometry' aspect some people talk about. More specifically, it's Clubface geometry. However, the Educated Hand and the Right Forearm is needed to maintain the On Plane Sweetspot and hence Clubhead and Clubshaft Geometry.

The hands are always aiming, sensing (via Pressure Points) and relaying information to and from the club. If they are educated, they dictate how the pivot should move by themselves.

Hands Controlled Pivot doesn't mean hitting the balls with your hand so the pivot doesn't do any work. The Pivot still acts as a massive rotor transfering momentum to the club. The difference is merely in what you monitor.
My point is...

some players are SO handsy that as soon as they put their mind in the hands, the hands decide to move themselves. These guys need something like "elbow controlled pivot".
"Hogan's wrist didn't just bow because his pivot was great..he trained it to do that"

I agree, but that's just a "condition" of the wrist/hand. Passively aiming PP #3 is an entirely different matter.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
An esoteric conversation between THE HANDS to THE PIVOT by
Ben Doyle-

hands (generals) pivot(foot soldigers) : ''Come on pivot take me to to the top , come on pivot take me through to the aiming point come on pivot take me to the finish" hold and rest let go of the club and let your caddy pick it up.
''The only time I release the club is to my caddy.

I love your right brain artistic explaination of this concept- hand educated pivot.
You are a true legend of the game.

(REF 2-0) "May you and your students G.O.L.F. game rise higher and higher from its boundless basis!"
quote:Originally posted by billmckinneygolf

I feel so honored. I must admit, this is a little addicting.
The computer-age approach where we can share our ideas and make eachother
a little better. Homer would have loved it. East coast, west coast, Morad,
it's all good. I'll get Schaeffer on here in a few days. We'll have to trick
him. And I like that analogy, the New Testament. ha

Hope you haven't forgotten about getting Bobby in here.
I like to think of it as a hands designed pivot. It begins and ends with the assignment the hands have not the pivot. Pivot - big dumb labor. Hands- lazy but "bright" white collar boss.
Hey 6-B, one more for 1000! You and MJ are animals and know your stuff!
4 Barrels, keep studying! jk, you are a genius. But stop being so mean to
the frauds. They are our competition.
"lazy but "bright" white collar boss"

I understand this - BUT, there are also bright white collar bosses who are micromanagers.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

"lazy but "bright" white collar boss"

I understand this - BUT, there are also bright white collar bosses who are micromanagers.

That was the design team. They were let go after the job was done. lol
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