quote:Originally posted by mgjordan
I know what I said and I stand by it. You want a flat left wrist at impact, so you don't want to have a cupped one most of the downswing. It is a compensation that is destructive and unnecessary. The pros you mention are just that...pros. They have done it that way since they were 10 years old and they hit balls for several hours every day. They make it work for them. For the normal golfer, it doesn't make sense. The pros who do it probably aren't even aware that they do it. Homer says right in TGM that you don't want to cock the right wrist. It definantly IS an OPTION, but I wouldn't recommend it for the simple reason that golf is an alignment game and the flat left wrist is THE ultimate alignment...why screw around with it? However, if you want to do it, "Fly at it" as Homer would say.
quote:Originally posted by brianman
Nothing wrong with double-cocking...if you can re-flatten it.
quote:Originally posted by TGMfan
But, if the same Bent position is taken at Impact Fix it is very 'closed'. From this Top position the Wrists would have to be Turning - rotating clockwise - during the Downstroke to achieve the correct clubface alignment. This is the exact opposite of what should be happening, and produces the exact opposite result. Disaster!"
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man
I just re-read this in the archives...now that I know more I must say that I like a flat left wrist at the top. Only with a neutral to fairly weak grip tho ('Manzella Neutral' I guess or Strong Single Action/WSA)...still can't understand Duval and Rich Beem with those strong grips/flat wrists.
quote:This brings me to another question tho...what about cocking the left wrist slightly for a higher ballflight occasionally (if needed for that aprticular shot, I mean)? I've been wondering about this for a while now.
quote:I definately get a higher ball flight when I need it but I was wondering if there was another way to do it...normal swing and just open the clubface maybe?
What do you recommend to hit the high ball Brian?
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068
For short game stuff, it works well. Because you just time the flip. Great out of bunkers too. However it becomes hard to judge/repeat with a full swing. Instead of throwing in this variable, simply open your stance line a little and learn how to angle hinge. You'll get the higher ball flight your after.