Brian: In terms of knowledge relative to where "YOU" want to be how would you rate yourself in the following departments on the basis of out of 10
Swinging procedures
Hitting procedures
Short game
I know that Lynn Blake has had an influence on your thoughts and therfore you could not have been a full 10 out of 10 prior to meeting him and none of us can know what we don't know but can have an intuitive inkling of things we don't know.
I would rate myself on the basis of knowledge gained so far relative to where I want to be as
Swinging procedures 5 out of 10
Hitting procedures 4 out of 10
Short game 5 out of 10
Putting 3 out of 10
This question is separate from teaching ability which is a separate issue.
How do you rate yourself relative to where "YOU" want to be in terms of knowledge?
Swinging procedures
Hitting procedures
Short game
I know that Lynn Blake has had an influence on your thoughts and therfore you could not have been a full 10 out of 10 prior to meeting him and none of us can know what we don't know but can have an intuitive inkling of things we don't know.
I would rate myself on the basis of knowledge gained so far relative to where I want to be as
Swinging procedures 5 out of 10
Hitting procedures 4 out of 10
Short game 5 out of 10
Putting 3 out of 10
This question is separate from teaching ability which is a separate issue.
How do you rate yourself relative to where "YOU" want to be in terms of knowledge?