If a student came to you and was determined to hit a draw....how would you teach them to hit out at the ball? What components do you use....by and large....to create a hitting out effect?
If a student came to you and was determined to hit a draw....how would you teach them to hit out at the ball? What components do you use....by and large....to create a hitting out effect?
...do you agree or disagree that location of the body weight at impact has a direct influence upon the path of the golf club?
...do you agree that if a golfers weight is too far back he will almost assuredly hit across the ball....and vice versa?
Obviously, the more forward the hips, the more outward the path.
But just moving the hips left does NOTHING for the clubface. Just like the guy I taught in Las Vegas early this year. He was taught this morad/s&t pivot and the forward hips that come with it. He was still a stone cold slicer.
They totally WHIFFED on the clubface.
Once his open clubface was fixed, he was NOT REWARDED anymore fro backing his hips up. He then started shifting his lower body left and "hitting the box."
So his FIXED CLUBFACE helped him shift and get "impact hands."
It may be instructive to know I also had him make a totally conventional, orthodox backswing pivot.
He is several shots a round better now, and needs me to get out west an upgrade him some more.
Not exactly.
I have seen forward hip golfers with cut across swipes, and hang back below the plane overly inside out hookers.
...if you find a golfer that moves his hips considerably forward coming down and his path is rightward or even very rightward....do you agree that an extremely LOW percentage of these golfers would have a wide open club face you speak of?
I have seen forward hip golfers with cut across swipes, and hang back below the plane overly inside out hookers.
I resemble that remark.
How would you fix that? Personally I have been trying to get less spine tilt and not get me head drifting to far to the right (why I was so interested in the head movement discussion today).
Ok Brian....thanks for your reply. One last thing....in response to the bold type above....do you agree that across the board.....if you find a golfer that moves his hips considerably forward coming down and his path is rightward or even very rightward....do you agree that an extremely LOW percentage of these golfers would have a wide open club face you speak of?
I slid my hips my whole life and had nice tilt. I had the most open face of any player of my ability in the history of golf.
Hey Kevin....I do not doubt those types of players are out there...they are just severely in the minority. By the way, what was your shot pattern like? What was your general path?
Hey Kevin....I do not doubt those types of players are out there...they are just severely in the minority.
Players who have axis tilt and hip slide are def in the minority, but it has zero influence on the face. In fact, it may open the face if anything.
My shot pattern sucked, no pattern at all. Poof slices and flip hooks, fats...total garbage.
Players who have axis tilt and hip slide are def in the minority, but it has zero influence on the face. In fact, it may open the face if anything.
My shot pattern sucked, no pattern at all. Poof slices and flip hooks, fats...total garbage.
You have too much Forward Bend at the top of your swing?
I would try to get more hip slide UNDER your head on the backswing, this move, taking weight OFF OF THE LEFT FOOT on the backswing, will allow you to be more open at impact, with less slide and NO SWIPE!!
All you have to do is ask nice, GMB, I either have the answer, or I'll go find it for you.![]()
exactly but don't forget these s/t throw the right arm and the ones with the head in front throw it even faster, choppers
After that long conversation we had, you STILL are saying this absolute JUNK?
Or are you saying "for players of Kevin's ability (+'cappers) that it is rare??
Please tell me it is the latter....![]()